Improve your Brain Power with Neuroplasticity

Brain Power ~ The Secret to Success

Improve your Brain Power with Neuroplasticity

By Jacob Devaney | Monday, April 11th, 2016
Improve your Brain Power

Improve your Brain Power

Learn How to Adapt Your Brain to Life’s Changes

Improve your Brain Power with Neuroplasticity ~ Yes, you can teach an old brain new tricks! Neuroplasticity is a fancy term that describes this phenomena, but you may be wondering why this is important. Most people enjoy the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” mentality, but increasingly, everywhere you look, the world is changing at an unprecedented pace. It is never pleasant to see or be around people who clutch for control and remain rigid when the winds of change blow. Here are some interesting facts about what science is learning about our brain’s ability to adapt and evolve at any age.

A thin, tall grass grows around a tall, strong tree that has a thick trunk and giant branches. When heavy winds come, the thin grasses flex and bend effortlessly and remain standing in the morning. The tree will lose many limbs and possibly blow over and become uprooted. -Zen Proverb

Improve your Brain PowerIt is never pleasant to see or be around people who clutch for control and remain rigid when the winds of change blow.

What is Neuroplasticity?

Neuroplasticity is defined as the brain’s ability to adapt, re-wire, and re-organize by creating new neural pathways. Neurons (nerve cells) can compensate as needed, either through consciously creating new habits, or in the case of injury and disease. This means that our environment and life’s circumstances literally change the structure of our brains!

Brain reorganization takes place by mechanisms such as “axonal sprouting” in which undamaged axons grow new nerve endings to reconnect neurons whose links were injured or severed. Undamaged axons can also sprout nerve endings and connect with other undamaged nerve cells, forming new neural pathways to accomplish a needed function.

For example, if one hemisphere of the brain is damaged, the intact hemisphere may take over some of its functions. The brain compensates for damage in effect by reorganizing and forming new connections between intact neurons. In order to reconnect, the neurons need to be stimulated through activity. –

Improve your Brain PowerOur environment and life’s circumstances literally change the structure of our brains.

What this means for You

This understanding is very hopeful for people dealing with trauma and unexpected injuries, but it is also great news for those of us feeling the pressure of changing times. Normally people prefer to assert their will on external circumstances to keep routines in place which don’t challenge us to step outside of our comfort zone. Unfortunately, life often changes beyond our control, and the ability to flow with these changes has to do with our ability to adapt mentally and emotionally. Some people may be naturally good at doing this, but the overwhelming evidence from research tells us that this skill can also be learned.

Another example of neuroplasticity has been found in London taxi drivers. A cab driver’s hippocampus — the part of the brain that holds spatial representation capacity — is measurably larger than that of a bus driver. By driving the same route every day, the bus drivers don’t need to exercise this part of the brain as much. The cabbies, on the other hand, rely on it constantly for navigation. – the Big Think

This is one of many documented instances of how our brains have the ability to adapt and thrive within whatever environment we subject it to. There’s a very popular book by Norman Doidge, MD called The Brain that Changes Itself which has a huge collection of case histories detailing the phenomena of neuroplasticity. One fascinating aspect of this research tells us that the same forces which allow our brains to evolve and adapt can also keep us stuck.

Improve your Brain PowerThe hippocampus part of the brain is measurably larger in a cab driver than in a bus driver.

Change, Adapt, and Grow

‘Neurons that fire together, wire together.’ This means that the more we repeat certain actions, or re-play particular emotional states, etc., the greater likelihood that these patterns will become entrenched (for better or for worse). For example, if you reach for a cigarette or unhealthy food every time you are sad, you may become stuck in this unconscious habitual pattern. It can happen to positive habits like doing yoga every morning , but also the healthiest thing for our brains is diversity. Yep, if you are a creature of habit this is your invite to spice things up!

Our brains are like muscles. Learning new things helps to slow age-related mental decline and even improves overall brain function, plus it tends to invigorate, inspire, and create positive self-esteem. Sensory and motor cortices improve when we exercise our bodies, since the brain/body connection is central to balanced health. There are other interesting discoveries like that memorization exercises help the auditory memory, and handwriting can strengthen motor capacities, while adding speed and fluency to reading. Any improvement in one area of cognition seems to enhance other faculties and bring about positive changes in other areas!

Improve your Brain PowerAny improvement in one area of cognition seems to enhance other faculties.

It can be as simple as taking a different route home, or getting lost and finding something you have never seen before. Get creative, and you will continue to get more creative… Maybe challenge your tastebuds to try some new spices, or try a new yoga class. Wherever you are in life from stuck/rigid, to flowing/flexible your brain will appreciate the opportunity to impress you with it’s ability to change, adapt, and grow. Evolution is a participatory sport, and it is best appreciated fully conscious. You have the ability to create new pathways, all you need to do is teach the old dog some new tricks!


The Cost of Greatness and Success

The Cost of Greatness and Success

The Cost of Greatness and Success

The Cost of Greatness and Success ~ Those of you who know me are aware of the fact that Eric Thomas is my favorite motivational speaker. Yes, I study all of the greats, from Zig Ziglar to Les Brown to Tony Robbins; however, I most relate to Eric Thomas, and that allows me to plug into his messages in a way that is specifically unique. As a speaker, I understand the importance of being able to create the ability for your audience to plug into you. With Eric and myself, we both speak to multiple audience types, and so we have to be able to adjust our style and presentation to fit the moment. For instance, I would not speak to an auditorium full of 8th graders in the same manner that I would speak to a room full of educators.

While being able to communicate and connect with your audience is important, I have found that the most important element of becoming a successful and impactful speaker is authenticity. I have learned through observing others that the crowd will see through veiled attempts to be something or someone that you are not, but when you breathe words of empowerment from the heart, they can sense the sincerity, and they can trust what those words are doing for them at that moment.

What Does It Take to Succeed?

While there are many people who follow me, contract me, and contact me, who desire greatness, I always advise them that greatness is the subsequent fruit of successfully living life in their purpose, and fulfilling their design. Greatness is something that pursues the person who is pursuing their destiny with passion and commitment. Greatness is a state of being that simply “is” because you “are.”

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Eric Thomas always says, “You have to want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe.” I agree with his assessment 100 percent; you have to want to succeed as much as you want life itself. Why? Because success can only be obtained by overcoming obstacles, enduring adversity, resisting the temptation to give up and overall perseverance. There are not a lot of certainties in life, but there is one thing that you can definitely be assured of; the vicissitudes of life are going to roll into your paradise. Whether you are successful or not will be determined by how well you handle adversity, delay, and direct opposition. If you are good at finding excuse thinly veiled as reasons, you will not succeed, because those excuses are easy to find and create.

Success is not passive, nor docile, it does not acquiesce to wishful thinking, and it does not succumb to hope alone. Success has to be overtaken and seized.

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If your sleep, comfort, play time or social enjoyment is more important to you than your success, you will never truly experience success. You may experience an occasional instance in which something goes your way, but it will be short-lived because you lack the commitment.

Your desire to succeed must be so strong that it draws you away from the proclivity to entertain colorless dreams, dwarfed goals, and minimal aspirations. You have to want success so bad that you completely ignore the fear of failure. In fact, you have to embrace a mindset that fear is no longer an option. This does not mean that you will never experience setbacks. Trust me, you will experience setbacks, but you will not perceive them as failures.

What I Personally Know About Success

People who do not know me tend to look at the outward appearance and make assumptions (I am normally extremely casual, and I have a number of tattoos), which ultimately leads them to ask me what qualifies me to speak on success. My response is, “You mean in addition to the fact that I have successfully launched and operated 48 companies over the last 28 years, published 20 books (after being told I would never get the first book published), obtained two doctorate degrees, serviced clients on an international level, and more? Normally, people who prejudge me will quickly genuflect their assessment after a few minutes of dialogue. However, it is not my personal accomplishments that are important here. It is my story.

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I was an extremely precocious child, learning to read by the age of three, and if my great-grandmother (my adopted mother, and so much more) was alive, she would add, quite loquacious. I literally started my public speaking career at the age of three and a half years old. My grandmother had taught me the story of the creation and once I learned it, she taught me how to recite it, and then she took me from church to church having me recite it. I became known as the little boy who does the creation story. Her teaching me the creation from the first three chapters of the Bible was also how I learned to read. So, my first encounter with reading was through word recognition — phonics came later.

I would read anything I got my hands, including the writing on household products, signs and more. At the age of five, my grandmother bought me the entire set of the Encyclopedia Britannica from an encyclopedia salesman who stopped by the house, and by the time I was ten, I had read the entire set.

Moving on to my adult life… I grew up in an inner-city community in Houston called Clinton Park (affectionately known as Killer Park). I was a young black male who never even met his father, and had no relationship with his mother. The statistics revealed that there was a good chance that I would not live to see my eighteenth birthday, but I was determined to make it out, and I not only came out of the hood, I came out on fire. I was driven to succeed, and thanks to my grandmother and a hand full of teachers throughout my school years that groomed me for success, I had no concept of failure. It seemed that the universe had been programmed to respond to my every whim. By the time I was thirty, I had opened numerous businesses, competed as a professional athlete, started a family and more — then life happened.

My success had exposed me to a world that I was ill-prepared to operate in. It took a while, but the core values that had been instilled in me were being eroded by the influence of the world I was operating in. I was beginning to buy into many fallacious concepts like “win at all cost,” it’s a dog eat dog world,” and “get them before they get you.” The lines became blurred, and I became more self-consumed. And, then the bottom completely fell out. After one of my major clients balked on an agreement that was worth a considerable amount of money, I responded from a position of diminished values and character, and that response cost me my freedom and my fortune.

Fortunately, that is not the end of the story. While I sat in my jail cell, I remembered something my great-grandfather (adopted father, and the greatest man I have ever met) taught me. Over the course of my youth, I had multitudinous encounters with my grandfather in which he infused me with his wisdom, and the greatest piece of wisdom that he ever shared with me was about to come to my rescue. I had gone from a 5,200 square foot home to a 6×9 cell, and traded designer clothes for a jail jumper. While lying flat on my back one night, I recalled that moment in which my grandfather shared the greatest jewel of wisdom of all.

He said, “Son, in life, you are going to find yourself in one of three places. You will either be going into a storm, in a storm or coming out of a storm. Your first inclination will be to find someone to blame for your storm. Don’t waste your time on such a frivolous pursuit, because nine times out of ten that person is you. Instead of looking for someone to blame, focus on your number one responsibility. When you find yourself in a storm, your number one responsibility, as a man, is to ensure that you come out of that storm a better man than when you went in. Son, allow the storm to develop you.” From that moment moving forward, it stopped being about me, and it became a quest to build a legacy that I could leave behind that said I was here and I made a difference.

After spending over four years in prison, I came home to uncertainty and a world that cared, but was too consumed with its own struggles and concerns. Within a year of returning, I found myself homeless. To top things off, I had moved from my hometown of Houston to Dallas to pursue a relationship that did not work out. So, I was homeless in a town in which I did not know very many people at all. All I had was a laptop and my clothes.

At this point, I prayed to the Divine Creator of the universe. No, I did not pray for mystical deliverance from my situation. I did not beg and plead to be dealt a new hand. I understood that this moment was both, the direct consequences of my actions and decisions as well as a part of my divine destiny. Knowing that this moment of difficulty was connected to my destiny reminded me that I was built for this. My prayer was actually very simple. I asked the Creator to simply continue to provide me with the breath of life. I promised that if I continued to wake up every morning I would answer the bell.

I was homeless for a year, but during that time, I published two of my sixteen books, started a company working on that laptop I had. I even spoke and served at homeless shelters, while keeping my own situation secret. In fact, the entire year, maybe three people knew my predicament. During that year, I met all types of setbacks and obstacles, but I wanted to succeed as much as I wanted to breathe. I had to succeed, I still had children who needed me to succeed. I still had people who needed me to live out a testimony that would provide them with the courage to stand up and face their struggles, disappointments, and delays. I can tell you from my experience that delay does not mean denial.

For some, this story will be a turn-off, because “prison” has a certain stigma. Well, this story is not for you. I will say that prison saved my life. This story is for the person who believes that their mistakes have sentenced them to a life of failure and mediocrity.

In that year of homelessness, I met the only two fears I had as a man face to face, being broke and being homeless. Nothing scares me now. I don’t fear man, circumstance nor failure. I was bruised by that moment, but I was not broken. I found that the darkness had surrounded me, but I was still standing.

It has been 10 years since the darkness rolled into my paradise, and I am now the Founder/CEO of an enterprise that owns and operates eight different companies, including a media company, business consulting firm, a life empowerment company (you are visiting this page now) and more. I have published 20 books, hundreds of academic papers and produced nearly 20,000 prose articles on multitudinous topics for my clients as a content creator. Have recovered everything that I initially lost? No, but I am long from being done. Plus, I see success differently now. I judge myself more now on the impact I have on those I come in contact with.

What I can tell you is that your past does not have to define you. You do not have to mortgage your future to pay for your past. Do you want to succeed? If so, it is time to get up, dust yourself off, and determine that you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe! Now, go make it happen. ~ Dr. Rick Wallace, Ph.D.


Desire to Succeed as Much as You Want to Breath

Desire to Succeed as Much as You Want to Breath

Desire to Succeed as Much as You Want to Breath

For those who don’t know, Eric Thomas is my favorite motivational speaker, outside of myself (Yes, I believe in and promote self-acknowledgement of one’s gifts in lieu of false humility disguised as humbleness.) I can relate to Eric in so many ways. Our lives mirror each other so much to the point that I can plug into his spiritual center and feed off of his energy. Following is one of my favorite quotes by Eric. Enjoy! ~ Dr. Rick Wallace, Ph.D.

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“There was a young man who, you know,
He wanted to make a lot of money
And so he went to this Guru, right.

And he told the Guru,
“You know I wanna be on the same level you’re on.”

And so The Guru said,
“If you wanna be on the same level I’m on,
I’ll meet tomorrow,
At the beach, at 4 AM.”

He’s like,
“The beach?
I said I wanna make money. I don’t wanna swim.”

Guru said,
“If you wanna make money,
I’ll meet you tomorrow. 4 AM.”

So the young man got there 4 AM.
He all ready to rock n’ roll.
Got on a suit.
Should have worn shorts.

The old man grabs his hand and said,
“How bad do you wanna be successful?”

He said, “Real bad”.
[The Guru] He said, “Walk on out in the water.”
So he walks out into the water.

Watch this.
When he walks out into the water it goes waist deep.

So he’s like,
“This guy crazy.
I wanna make money and he got me out here swimming.
I didn’t ask to be a lifeguard.
I wanna make money.”

So he [The Guru] said, “Come out a little further.”
[He] walked out a little further.

Then he had it right around this area,
The shoulder area.

“So this old man crazy.
He making money,
But he crazy.”

So he [The Guru] said,
“Come on out a little further.”

He came out a little further,
It was right at his mouth,
My man like,
“I’m not about to go back in.
This guy out of his mind.”

So the old man said,
“I thought you said you wanted to be successful?”

He said, “I do.”
He [The Guru] said, “Walk a little further.”

He came,
Dropped his head in,
Held him down,
Hold him down,
My man getting scratchy,
Holding him down,
He [The Guru] had him held down,
Just before my man was about to pass out,
He [The Guru] raised him up.

He [The Guru] said, “I got a question for you.”
He [The Guru] said, “When you were underwater, what did you want to do?”

He said, “I wanted to breathe.”

He [The Guru] told the guy; He [The Guru] said,
“When you want to succeed,
As bad as you want to breathe,
Then you’ll be successful.”
Eric Thomas, Secrets To Success Speech – Part 1

Why Pride & Humility are Both Dangerous!

Why Pride & Humility are Both Dangerous

Why Pride & Humility are Both Dangerous

Why Pride & Humility are Both Dangerous! ~ Contrary to mainstream perception, humility and pride are two of the most misguided virtues that human beings can aspire to possess. Society, however, praises humility as one of the most virtuous qualities one can display and tends to applaud the man that humbles himself. Similarly, while it may not be so obvious that pride itself is praised as a virtue, we are more often than not directed to be proud of ourselves, of our achievements, of our appearance and, somewhat ironically, of even our humility. The truth though is that humility and pride are not virtues at all, but rather, they are two extreme states of being that, like all extremes, are best to be avoided particularly if you want to intentionally create your life with any measure of success.

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The Real Definition of Humility: Little consideration is ever given to the true meaning of humility, which partly explains why it has been wrongly praised as such a wholesome virtue. To find the real meaning of humility one needs to look no further than at its definition and etymology. The dictionary defines humility as “the quality of having a low view of one’s importance, a lowliness of mind, or a sense of one’s own unworthiness through imperfection and sinfulness”. Synonyms for the word humble include docile, fearful, lowly, withdrawn, poor, base, inferior, insignificant, trivial and even miserable. The etymology of humility is the Latin humilitatem, which means lowness or insignificance. Even more interesting is that the word “humiliate” has its origin in the word humility. Surely this begs the question, if humility is really such a virtue, why then do we not seek to be humiliated? The answer is simple, humility is not a virtue.

The Real Definition of Pride: Among the definitions of pride is “a high opinion of ones self, an unreasonable conceit of one’s own superiority in talents, insolence or arrogance of demeanor, and that which excites boasting”. While pride may also be defined by less extreme states that have a positive connotation, such as a “lofty self esteem”, you will find that most definitions include a degree of excess in self evaluation. As is the case with all excess, it is to be avoided. Pride is not to be confused with personal integrity. To be in integrity is, indeed, a great virtue and means to be authentic, to be a person of your word, and to live a moral-based life. In contrast, the exaggeration associated with pride usually results in a lack of integrity.

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The Hidden Dangers of Humility and Pride: Not only are humility and pride not virtues, they are two dangerous states of being. Aspiring to be humble and proud is often the very reason people fail to consciously create their life or feel that the Law of Attraction “does not work for them”. On the one hand, humility deflates your sense of self and blinds you to your strengths, while pride over-inflates it and blinds you to your weaknesses. In the case of humility, your inability to see your strengths leaves you impotent to them, while in the case of pride, your inability to see your weaknesses, leaves you exposed to them. Put another way, humility leads to an inferiority complex rooted in a severe lack of self worth and self esteem, while pride leads to a superiority complex that is fuelled by the most dangerous of all attitudes, arrogance. Similarly, being proud of others also blinds you to their weaknesses, which in turn fuels an over-inflated opinion of the person you are proud of within both you and them.

The Swing of the Law of Rhythm: The Law of Rhythm is one of the most important Hermetic Universal Laws to understand and transcend when consciously creating your life. This Law states that “everything flows, out and in; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.” This principle can be observed everywhere in the physical and mental realms, from the rise and fall of the great empires to the swaying of your thoughts from being positive to negative. The pendulum swings in everything. When anything reaches a point of culmination then the backward swing begins almost unnoticeable until such time that any forward movement has been totally reversed, then the forward movement begins again and the process is repeated.

Why Pride & Humility are Both DangerousThe Law of Rhythm Humbles the Proud and Makes the Humble Proud: In accordance with the Law of Rhythm, reaching any extreme state of pride will activate the Law such that you attract to yourself circumstances and experiences that carry you to the equal and opposite extreme state of humility. Likewise, from a place of humility, you usually attract to yourself those circumstances and experiences which in time will create within you a state of pride. One seldom notices the turning point or connects the dots on the way from pride to humility and back. Nevertheless, irrespective of whether you notice it or not, the pendulum does swing back and forth between these two extremes of humility and pride over and over again. Remember that the “measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left”, which means that to the degree that you are proud so you will be humbled and vice versa. The action of the Law of Rhythm is neither a punishment nor a reward, but rather a compensation in search of balance.

Why Pride & Humility are Both DangerousThe Ancient Greek Warning Against Arrogance: Three major maxims were inscribed on the Temple of Apollo at Delphi in Greece. You may have heard of the first two, “know thyself” (pronounced gnothi safton) and “nothing in excess” (pronounced miden agan), but the equally important third maxim is often overlooked and even more so misunderstood. The closest modern translation of the third maxim is “make a pledge and ruin is nigh” (pronounced egia para data). This has wrongly been interpreted as a warning against any form of monetary pledge or guarantee and has absolutely no relevance to the real meaning of the maxim. In truth, the warning is not against a monetary pledge, but rather against arrogance. In other words, making a pledge about yourself, i.e. arrogantly proclaiming your indestructibility, will bring about your destruction. The more accurate interpretation found in older Greek texts is that “the gods will unleash destruction on the arrogant”.

Guard Against Humility and Pride: Bear in mind that the swing of the pendulum attributed to the Law of Rhythm is not activated of its own accord but rather by a shift in your mindset. It is from a place of pride that you can become arrogant and hence complacent and blind to your weaknesses. Similarly, it is from a place of humility that you can become detached to the point that you allow good to come to you because you resist nothing. Having said this, it is faith, not humility that is the ideal route of least resistance to effortless detachment. Detachment through faith is empowering, while detachment through humility is disempowering. Nevertheless, since pride can eventually give rise to arrogance, you must guard against being proud and, although not so obvious, since humility is in time transmuted into pride, it is equally important that you guard against humility lest its final destination be arrogance.

Humility and Pride are at Opposite Ends of the Same Spectrum: Humility and pride are at opposite ends of the same spectrum called self evaluation. This means that one cannot be both humble and proud simultaneously because they are two opposite states of being. In other words, you can either be humble or proud at different times, but cannot be both at the same time, at least not in any real sense, as the one cancels the other out. Since you cannot be both, aspiring to be humble and proud leaves you with something of an inner struggle as to which one to be, as the Law of Rhythm swings you between the two. The answer is neither.

Transforming Humility and Pride into Modesty: If humility and pride are two attitudes to be avoided, the obvious question then is what should one aspire to be? The answer is modest. Modesty is often misinterpreted to mean humility, but the two are very distinct attitudes. To be modest is to be moderate in your self evaluation, free of any exaggerations that either over-inflates (pride) or deflates (humility) your worth. To be modest is fundamental to consciously and intentionally creating your life, free from the Law Rhythm’s swing of the pendulum.

In a nutshell, humility and pride are two of the most misguided virtues one can aspire to. They are both extreme states of being, and as is the case with all extremes, are to be avoided. Being at opposite ends of the same spectrum of self evaluation, one cannot be both humble and proud at the same time and the Law of Rhythm ensures that you repeatedly move back and forth between these two extremes. Seek modesty in place of humility and pride and you will find a new inner strength free of all exaggeration.


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The Reason So Many People Fail to Succeed

The Reason So Many People Fail to Succeed


The Reason So Many People Fail to Succeed

One of the most common questions that I am asked is: Why do so many people fail to succeed? Another question that is becoming increasingly more common is: Why do so many people live defeated lives? In essence, both of these questions get down to the heart of the matter. While there are numerous stories about people who have achieved remarkable success, there are far too many people who have failed to reach any level of success, and the aforementioned questions seek to identify the common denominator for those who struggle to succeed.

Is it that some people don’t understand the basic principles associated with becoming successful? This is definitely likely for some of the people who are struggling in life. Knowledge is a key element in the process of becoming successful, but it is not the primary element. Another cause for the common and repetitive failure of many people is a proclivity to give too much gravity to the random opinions others. Everyone has an opinion about something, and many people allow the opinions of others to shape their paradigms and the belief systems that determine how they approach life.

Another way that listening to others can be counterproductive, is becoming fixated on the shortcut methods being spewed by self-proclaimed gurus and their followers. We live in a microwave society in which everyone wants everything right now. Far too many people are looking for immediate results produced by shortcuts and foolproof methods. The person who is looking for results through shortcuts, or foolproof remedies, will eventually become disappointed and deterred when things don’t go their way. There are no shortcuts, only detours.

Success is not about circumventing the struggles and vicissitudes of life, it is about being prepared to face those struggles with confidence and a specific plan for overcoming them. Success is the fruit of perseverance and determination. It is not the person with the greatest potential and skill that is successful, but the person who is most committed to their success.

For far too many people, the price of success is more than they are willing to pay. They have bought into the life-of-ease philosophy that teaches that if you simply believe you can transform your life into a progressive utopia, but that could not be further from the truth. Success requires sacrifice and commitment. Success requires the establishment of a list of priorities that determine the value system through which you will approach your vision.

Something that I often see when people enroll in one of my courses or hire me as a consultant or counselor, are those who have spent a significant portion of their life simply wandering around aimlessly without any real sense of purpose. Others are suffering from the pain of past failures and past beliefs concerning their ability to succeed. Without an understanding of what your purpose is, you will remain lost — often leading to indiscriminate dream chasing. The indiscriminate dream chaser is the person that is always chasing a cause or scheme, with a tendency to jump on the next cause before finishing what they started. What they have not learned is that without the passion associated with purpose, they will never experience consistent success because they will never become committed until they discover their passion.

Purpose is that thing that comes when a person becomes aware of their identity. It is purpose that fuels passion, and passion is that thing that drives a person towards their destiny, and finally, destiny cannot be denied, because its very definition demands that it be fulfilled when passionately pursued. You see, purpose is never satisfied with mediocrity, dwarfed goals or colorless dreams. Purpose demands that you step over the line that has been drawn by fear and seize your moment. Purpose does not consider failure, for failure is a necessary part of success. Purpose does not allow for tamed visions that fit nicely into the box that has been designed by the minimal minded.

Ironically, purpose is a force that drives you to do things on purpose, with specific goals and expectation associated with your actions. Success does not happen by accident; it is not an arbitrary occurrence. Success is always the result of highly specified intentions, intelligent direction, sincere effort and skilled execution, but most importantly, it is the culmination of a committed mindset that will not be deterred by delay.

When I examine my life to determine what allows me to win, the thing that stands out the most is I always answer the bell. The circumstances have not always been in my favor. In fact, there have been some times in which the odds were stacked heavily against me, but I answered the bell. There have even been times that I have been flat on my back, but I got up each and every time to continue the fight. Success is elusive to those who expect it to come with ease. It is elusive to those who listen to the random opinions of naysayers. It is elusive to the person who finds mediocrity to be acceptable.

Finally, far too many people have absolutely no idea of what defines success in their life. They have spent their entire lives chasing what others have declared to be representative of success. The way that I define success is the absolute optimization and the actualization of full potential. While a person may achieve many things, success is not achieved when potential is left untapped. Because I believe in purpose so strongly, I believe that each person’s potential is directly related to their purpose, and when potential is not actualized, purpose is not fulfilled. Find yourself, find your purpose and commit to fulfilling that purpose at all cost. When you commit to your purpose, you will not have to chase success, it will find you! ~ Dr. Rick Wallace, Ph.D.


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Overcoming Procrastination in Order to Achieve Excellence

Overcoming Procrastination in Order to Achieve Excellence


Overcoming Procrastination in Order to Achieve ExcellenceOne of the most inhibiting forces that stop people from actualizing and maximizing their potential is procrastination. Many of you who are reading this article are currently procrastinating about engaging something that you have wanted to do for years. Procrastination can be the result of fear, which we will address shortly. Procrastination seemingly offers the convenience of putting off for tomorrow what should be done today, but actually, it is worse. Procrastination is actually the manifestation of fear, the lack of desire, uncertainty or indecision.

The Reason That it is Important to Overcome Procrastination

One common issue is that many people don’t view procrastination as a problem, but they see it more as a relief mechanism that allows them to avoid those things that they are uncomfortable doing. The problem is growth is not developed within the confines of comfort, it is developed in the fertile soil of adversity. One thing that I have learned in working with people is that most of them are aware of the promise of their potential. They understand that they have the potential to accomplish some extraordinary things, and they want nothing more than to realize the promise of their potential; however, they lack a lucid perspicacity of the principal of “process.” The principal of process dictates that the promise associated with potential can only be achieved through “process.” So, before there can be an attainment of the promise, there must first be an endurance of the process — meaning that there will be some difficulty, disappoint failure and struggle along the way. Most people look to circumvent the process. They want the promise, but they are unwilling to engage the process. This is futile!


Procrastinating may allow you to avoid the vicissitudes and conflict associated with your destiny, but it also blocks you from actualizing your potential and achieving your destiny.

Procrastination — Symptom of an Underlying Issue

One of the first steps in overcoming procrastination is to understand that it is not the issue, but a symptom of an underlying issue — in most cases, fear and uncertainty. In fact, most negative overt behavior is actually the manifestation of symptoms that are indicative of underlying issues that may not be visibly clear. So, as with any negative condition, the best modality for dealing with procrastination is to deal with it at the source — meaning you must discover what it is that is causing you to procrastinate in the first place.

While many consultants and coaches will suggest the implementation of self-discipline practices and time management measures, I prefer to deal with the issue at the source. Implementing superficial mechanisms, such as time management and self-discipline models, will provide some level of improvement, but it is like putting ointment on a mosquito bite. The itching may stop momentarily, but if the mosquito remains in the room, it is likely that you will be bitten again. By getting rid of the mosquito and taking the necessary steps to ensure that more mosquitos can’t get in, you effectively put a stop to the existing problem.

Procrastination is primarily driven by two powerful elemental forces, desire, and fear. Desire serves as a type of fuel or catalyst for progression or moving forward. Where there is no desire, there will be a lack of motivation to achieve anything. Fear can be viewed as a fog that has the capacity to completely surround a desire and quench or stifle it. For most people, fear is always present, but it is when fear becomes greater than desire that procrastination enters the picture.

When I engage a client, a take a dichotomous approach, looking for ways to minimize fear, while maximizing desire. Something else that is worth mentioning is that it is necessary to underwrite desire with purpose because that desire that is superficial will dissipate when challenged. Desire that is underwritten by purpose will be fueled by the passion that is inextricably connected to that purpose. There is no greater force than “purpose” to drive a person toward excellence and their destiny.

Suffering from a Lack of Desire

As much as fear can be an inhibiting force in slowing progression and growth, it is possible to have a lack of desire outside of the presence of fear. While there are multitudinous causes for the lack of desire, the most common reason is a disinterest in the task or responsibility in question. This is seen often when people are attempting to pursue paths that others have chosen for them. It is immensely difficult to become motivated to do something that you are not passionate about. Success is hard work, and it requires perseverance and endurance, and the lack of desire born from disinterest will cripple progression.

This is why it is important for you to follow your own inner compulsions that manifest themselves as desires. No one else can live your life, and, for this reason, they should not be allowed to choose the path that you must take. You must choose your path, and that path should be clearly aligned with your desires, passions, and values.

Dealing with Fear

Fear is the second underlying cause of procrastination, and if the level of fear that a person is experiencing is high enough, it can literally paralyze them. In fact, a person can have a desire to accomplish a certain task, but if their fear is stronger than their desire, they will be compelled to procrastinate. Fear can manifest itself in any number of ways, fear of pain, fear of hardship, fear of failure, fear of uncertainty, fear of not having control, fear of public opinion, fear of rejection or the fear of being alone.

While it can seem bizarre that fear would play such a major role in determining whether a person will take action to pursue their dreams and visions or not, if you would carefully examine and anatomize the areas in your life in which you are procrastinating, you will discover that fear is an integral part of that process of procrastination.

The key is to determine why you are procrastinating. Is it a lack of desire, or are you suffering from fear, or it may be a combination of both? Once you have identified the source, you must confront it rationally and deliberately. This does not mean that you move into the realm of denial, pretending that the impediment is not real. If you have a lack of desire or a significant and unhealthy fear, it is paramount that you address it, and take the necessary steps to move beyond it. In the coming days. I will be contributing some simple steps that people can use to help them move past the impediment of procrastination, by dealing with the lack of desire and fear that is at the core of the problem.

It may be necessary for you to seek the help of a professional therapist or life coach, depending on the depth of your particular issues. The truth is that no matter how bad it may seem, you can get past it; however, the journey to elevation is not one of ease and comfort, and it also does not serve the risk averse well at all. You are going to have to be willing to put some skin in the game. If you are serious about living life at the level of your design, you may be an ideal candidate for my Elevation & Empowerment course. In this course, I will work directly with you to determine the source of your lack of progress, and help you discover and implement solutions that will allow you to experience next level living. ~ Dr. Rick Wallace, Ph.D.


A Jack and a Master of all Trades: Mastering the Business Mindset

A Jack and a Master of all Trades: Mastering the Business Mindset


There is an old adage that says, “I am a jack of all trades, but a master of none.” It is implicit that a person who engages multiple fields of interests does not have the time to master any particular one. There are a significant number of people who frown upon the “jack,” viewing him as a person who has no area of expertise; however, I would argue that it is possible to not only be a jack of multiple disciplines, but to also master them. Unfortunately, the mindset of the masses has served to limit the parameters of expertise to that which their limited perspicacity is capable of apprehending.

A person is either limited or liberated by their primary paradigm, the lens through which they view life. For the person who believes they have boundaries, they will have boundaries, even if they are self-imposed; however, that person who believes that there is nothing that is beyond their grasp will find a way to achieve all that they aspire to do.

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Today, I was contacted by a new client that wanted me to create a job proposal, which was actually more of a project proposal that could land him a position with a multi-million dollar company. At current, he is a licensed real estate broker in California who impressed the vice president of this company while showing him a commercial property. The VP inquired to whether this gentleman was interested in a position within their company where he would be responsible for a number of tasks, including establishing two new divisions — a real estate and lending division.

Beyond the Scope of Existing Expertise

This person forwarded over all of the information necessary for me to create the proposal. It was not long before I discovered that this person was not qualified for the position in which he was applying, at least not in the traditional sense. He had never taken on a job of this magnitude. He is, in essence, seeking to transition from an entrepreneurial role in which he nets $240,000 annually to running two company divisions that provides him with access to a $10 million budget.

On the surface, it looks as though this person is getting in way over his head; however, a closer look reveals that he understands the importance of tapping into collateral resources and the delegation of responsibilities.

Never Say I Can’t

This reminded me of when I first entered into the international relocation business. A friend approached me and asked me if I knew anything about expatriating company executives. He said that he knew a company that was looking for a relocation specialist. I told him that I did not have the experience, but I knew that I could do it. He had conducted numerous business endeavors with me and knew that if I said that I could, I would. So he vouched for me to have an interview with the company.

Within a week, I was sitting in front of the company’s vice president and general manager. They were a little baffled at the fact that I was sitting in front of them with no experience, but they were about to come face to face with another one of my areas of expertise — the ability to close deals. By the end of the interview I had convinced them to allow me to take on the role of a relocation specialist. This was not as difficult as it may seem because the company required all contractors to go through a training process. I was sent to Toronto, Ontario for two weeks for the initial training, then I had to spend the first 90 days in their office working with their operations and administration managers.

Develop the Willpower to Succeed!

Being an entrepreneur with successful businesses in operation, I did not like the fact of reporting to an office; however, the financial benefits conjoined with the experience I gained, made it worthwhile.

Within the first year, I was managing the expatriation and repatriation of several of the company’s top accounts, including Baker Hughes, EDS and Flour Daniels. I would ultimately play an integral role in the company securing its largest account to date — Unocal. In fact, I was the person that was responsible for repatriating all of Enron’s expatriates after the collapse. That was an interesting time for me. I learned so much outside of the scope of relocation and expatriation.

In essence, my responsibilities as a relocation specialist were quite broad. I arranged every aspect of the expatriation and repatriation process, including the packing, storing and shipping of household goods from the point of origin to the point of destination by both, air and sea. I had to develop relationships with destination agents on the other end to complete the process on my behalf. I also had to develop relationship with shipping companies and customs brokers. I was responsible for cross-cultural training and arranging home finding expeditions, and more.

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Dr. Rick Wallace, Ph.D.
What I want to get you to understand is that none of this would have been possible if had not been willing to engage something I did not yet understand — causing me to step out of my comfort zone. I have been criticized by some who say that I have an identity crisis, and I don’t know who I am. I don’t waste my time responding to those assertions, it is not worth my time. I refuse to become engrossed in the random opinions of the minimal minded. My desire to know drives me. I understand the importance of connecting with people who know how to do things that I don’t; however, if I am around them long enough, I will learn what they know. That is how I am built. I refuse to only be a jack of all trades, I have determined to master them as well.

It is important to understand that you write your story. It is you that determines your destiny. Stop allowing people who have given up on their dreams to talk you out of yours. Embrace the challenges and expand your capacity and horizon. Live life at the level of your design. ~ Dr. Rick Wallace, Ph.D.