Power vs. Outcome: The Unlimited Potential of a Purpose-Driven Life

The Unlimited Potential of a Purpose Driven Life

Power vs. Outcome: The Unlimited Potential of a Purpose-Driven Life

The Unlimited Potential of a Purpose-Driven Life
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What I wish to convey here is the idea of developing a clear understanding of what drives your actions. It is immensely important that you, first and foremost, have a lucid perspicacity of why you’re doing something. When you understand why you’re doing something that “why” or your “purpose” that will drive or push you through the difficulties that you will inevitably face —driving you through the challenges, driving you through all of the obstacles that you’re going to face as you move through life. When you have a sense of why you’re doing something you will possess a clarity of the motive. The motivation revealed in your “WHY,” as I call it, will be so strong that the momentum will literally carry you through even the darkest of situations and circumstances.

When you are certain of your “why” and your “why” is so huge that it will be bigger than any moment that you will ever face, you will develop a sense of certainty that is inextricably connected to your destiny that assures you that you will accomplish everything that you have set out to do. You’re going to be successful because when you arrive at these difficult moments you are going to be able to push through them because you going to look at it and your “why,” your purpose is going to be bigger than the pain that you are experiencing at any given moment.

Your “why” is going to be greater than the delay that will sometimes stand in your way. Your “why” is going to be greater than the complex nature of the enigmatic issues that you have to solve to keep moving.

You will consistently find yourself facing challenges but you will find out how to overcome them each and every time when you understand your “why!” When you truly invest in understanding the reason why you are driven to do something — your purpose — when you are determined to become committed to living in that purpose, then anything you face in life will be engaged with the confidence of knowing that you are built for the battle.

When you are driven by purpose, all of the answers to the problems to the problems you will inevitably face will be there and if they’re not there you will create them. Successful people wake up in the morning and they are not looking for someone to do something for them They understand that if there is an opportunity out there they will find it. When successful people wake up in the morning looking for that opportunity that they need to advance their dreams, their causes, their campaigns, and their desires, there is a sense of urgency in finding what they are looking for and they refuse to give up until they find it. If they can’t find it, they have such relentless tenacity associated with what they are doing and the reason why they are doing it that they decide to create the opportunity that they need.

One thing that I learned over the course of my life and that nothing happens in a vacuum. The Universal Law of Cause and Effect are always in play. There are no insignificant moments and there are no coincidences; everything has a cause and everything has a cost. When you understand the cause, you understand where the effect came from and you can now either repeat the cause if you like the effect or change the cause if you desire a different effect. You possess the power to disrupt and change the cause if you don’t like what it is producing. You are never stuck in any situation. Reality is a dynamic force, meaning that it is in constant motion — being shifted by the influences and perceptions of those experiencing it.

When you are driven by the outcome you desire, the outcome becomes the most important thing in your life and you risk losing sight of your purpose. More importantly, you risk getting caught up in the chase, which can lead to an abandonment of core values for the sake of achieving the goal. There is nothing inherently wrong with goals, but goals must always remain in the context in order to protect your character — the ultimate reflection of your value system.  When you are purpose driven, you are still headed in the same direction, but you are being driven by something with greater purity, your purpose. When I first decided to allow my purpose to drive me instead of the outcomes I was looking for, I took on a mindset that declared, I’m going to start moving in the same direction accomplishing the same things but instead of being focused on myself, I am going to focus on serving and helping others.

What I found when I shifted my paradigms is that I still achieved the desired outcomes, but there was a greater sense of fulfillment and accomplishment because I was making others around me better in the process. You are in control of your destiny, you are the master of your fate, you are the one that has been given the reigns of the direction you are taking a life. There will be all types of external influences that move against you as you progress through life. There will be all types of things that you’re going to encounter, but you have the ability to discern, evaluate, and interpret what these influences and impulses mean and to determine how you will respond to them. They will not control you; you will control them.

When you are purpose-driven, your purpose is immediately, directly, and intimately connected to your identity. What you identify with impacts what you believe, the manner in which you operate and function, and what you do when you face adversity, disappointment, disruption, and delay. When you have a clear sense of what it is you are here for and how you are going to make the world better, you will develop the capacity to effectively engage adversity in a manner that produces consistent and efficacious results.

When you truly understand your purpose, you will immediately abandon the idea that someone owes you something, and you will stop expecting others to do for you what you have the power and gifting to do for yourself. When you start looking inside, you will immediately feel the weight of frustration and disappointment lifted. When you stop placing making other culpable for your current state and embrace your power and capacity to determine your own course and state of existence, a huge weight will be lifted.

As you start to embrace the idea that you are here to offer the world something that will leave it in a better situation than you found it and you consistent look to add value to others, you not only make your situation better, but you make everyone in your periphery better as well.

The awesome idea of purpose is that it is connected to your identity, which reveals that you are a part of a design and if you are a part of design then there is a specific reason that you are here. It further reveals that because you are here for a reason, the provision for the fulfillment of your purpose is at your disposal — you only need to access it and activate it.

When you become aware of your purpose in life, you don’t become frenetic and unglued when things seem out of place or you encounter certain challenges. Your ability to identify with your purpose assures you that if you simply persevere while remaining true to your purpose what you are seeking will manifest itself in time. For this reason, I am able to experience the delay without experiencing discouragement. When you become determined to operate in your purpose, you will find that all of the “outcomes” you are seeking in life will automatically fall in line when you stop worrying about the outcome and start living inline with your purpose. ~ Rick Wallace, Ph.D., Psy.D.

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To book Dr. Wallace for speaking engagements, seminars, lectures and one-on-one counseling, email: LifeChange@rickwallacephd.link

Meeting Your Essential Needs Drives Your Behavior!

Meeting Your Essential Needs Drives Your Behavior!

Meeting Your Essential Needs Drives Your Behavior!

Something that I share with my clients at The Visionetics Institute is that there is no such thing as insignificant or inconsequential moments. We have a tendency to dismiss this we don’t understand or can’t find relevance in, but dismissing or ignoring something does not eliminate its meaning or impact.
All human behavior is need-driven, even when we attributed it to desire. If you want to understand and manage your behavior, you must first develop a lucid perspicacity of what drives that behavior — your fundamental needs. Every person on this planet is driven by certain universal and fundamental needs. These fundamental needs are “certainty,” uncertainty (which actually combats the boredom and feeling of unfulfillment associated with absolute certainty), significance, and connectivity (which includes the feeling of being loved and respected by others).

There are multitudinous ways that people meet these specific needs, with some being good and others being bad for everyone involved. For instance, some people achieve certainty in life through their sense of identity. Because their self-image is such that they believe in themselves, they have developed an understanding that they have the capacity to overcome any challenges that they may face. Others find certainty in their faith in a higher power, believing that their relationship with the higher power provides the resourcefulness necessary to overcome the obstacles they face.
Conversely, there are those who choose to use deception and cheating to provide their sense of certainty. They seek unfair advantages that tend to create weighted situations where things fall in their favor. Of course, there are always negative consequences to this type of behavior but rarely do these individuals make the connections.

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Preorder your copy of Critical Mass, a book that serves as the comprehensive guide to living life at the level of your design.

Fortunately, there are two principles that also serve as character needs — not part of the essential needs cluster, but needs that help guide behavior to produce a more positive lifestyle. Basically, the way that I ensure that the behaviors I exhibit in order to me my essential needs are acceptable is by using the fifth and sixth needs as a collective barometer. I ask myself if the behavior that I have exhibited is leading to personal growth — is it expanding my capacity and reach to help empower, inspire and encourage others?

Next, I take an introspective examination of my

Critical Mass ~ Meeting Your Essential Needs Drives Your Behavior!
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behavior to determine if it is serving needs outsides of myself. Is my behavior facilitating my “work” and not solely meeting my own fundamental needs. This means that when you are working to live life at the level of your design, you are living to impact the world around you in a positive way that sees people grow as well as become inspired and empowered.

If your behavior is not producing personal growth and you are not expanding in the area of external contribution, you are not living life at the level of your design. You are not fulfilling your purpose. You may be meeting those essential needs, but you are doing it using a modality that does not possess any intrinsic value. How you meet your fundamental needs is immensely important to the process of optimizing your impact on those in your periphery, which is the key to personal fulfillment and happiness! ~ Rick Wallace, Ph.D., Psy.D.


The Power of Expanded Beliefs ~ Faith in Motion

The Power of Expanded Beliefs ~ Faith in Motion

The Power of Expanded Beliefs ~ Faith in Motion

The Power of Expanded Beliefs ~ Faith in Motion

The Power of Expanded Beliefs ~ Faith in Motion

It is time to reach into the power of expanded beliefs ~ faith in motion moves the universe. For those who have followed me for any length of time, you already know how passionate I am about developing the capacity to manage your thoughts and the beliefs that produce them. It is no secret that your thoughts are the seeds of your destiny, and your thoughts are the fruit of your core beliefs. Therefore, if you want to change your reality, you have to change your core beliefs, which will result in a change of perspective — a shift in paradigms.

While it may sound cliche-ish, you are what you think. Your thoughts are the seeds of your future reality — the seeds of a future harvest. As in physical science, the seed always produces what it is designed to produce. An acorn does not produce an apple, it produces an oak tree, and so, you can never expect a negative or limiting thought to produce a positive and powerful result.

The process of mastering your life begins with creating a paradigm shift that is supported by expanding beliefs that replace limiting beliefs. When have the capacity to create a paradigmatic shift in your life, you will never find yourself perpetually stranded at any point along the continuum of life.

An expanded belief is literally faith in motion. When you possess an authentic faith that underwrites the idea that all things are possible, you possess the capacity to move the universe on your behalf, and I am not speaking in a figurative sense. Everything in the universe is energy and energy responds to energy.

Here is the thing; like attracts like when it comes to the emittance of energy. It is called resonance, and what your energy resonates with is what you will attract. Energy is emitted in frequency and the level of the frequency determines the power of the vibration. The higher the frequency, the higher the vibration.

When you observe people who seem to experience constant success and maintain a positive attitude, they have developed the capacity to manage their thoughts and elevate the frequency that they operate in. Allow me to give you a prime example of energy resonance.

Have you ever seen a show or commercial where an opera singer hit an immensely high note and shatters a class in the room? As a kid growing up, I used to see this all of the time, and I initially did not believe it was possible until I saw it replicated in a science experiment in school. What is actually happening is the sound emitted by the singer has a specific frequency as it moves through the air, and so does the glass (everything in the universe is made of energy, even inanimate objects). If you were to take a tuning rod and tap the glass it would emit a sound, and that sound has a frequency, when the frequency of the singer is the same as the frequency of the glass, the glass resonates with the vibration and absorbs it — because the vibration is so strong it shatters the glass.

This is the same way that the energy emitted by your thoughts will resonate with other energy. Please understand that you can only access and obtain those things that are on the frequency you are currently admitting. If you want different results, you must be willing to change your frequency and that begins with creating a paradigm shift that opens up the possibilities of life in your mind.

I teach people how to create powerful paradigmatic shifts when I work with them one-on-one, and I also created a course that teaches people how to create a paradigm shift in their lives. The key is to invest in yourself to get the results that you are looking for.

You are the one responsible for changing your life, and no one else can do it for you until you become committed to changing. Change starts here! ~ Rick Wallace, Ph.D., Psy.D.


Click here to preorder my Dr. Wallace’s latest book, Critical Mass: The Comprehensive Guide to Living Life At the Level of Your Design!

Click here to learn how to create a powerful paradigm shift quickly and permanently with the power of paradigms course!

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Click here to learn how you can apply for acceptance into my 2018 Critical Mass Course!

Get your copy of “Your Mind Is the Genesis of Your Destiny!

To book Dr. Wallace for speaking engagements, seminars, lectures and one-on-one counseling, email: LifeChange@rickwallacephd.link